GeoShield Exeter
Testing, Validation, Verification &
Continuous Monitoring
100% Independent

GeoShield Ground Gas Membrane
Validation, Verification & Integrity Testing

The GeoShield On-Site Quality Assurance Program team are experts in all areas of protection membrane design, application monitoring, integrity testing & verification. GeoShield are a fully independent hazardous ground gas protection system verifier not only in the United Kingdom but
internationally. We are founder members of the British Verification Council (BVC), are members of the Radon Council, the European Radon Association and are Supporter Members of CL:AIRE.

We hold ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 certification and are certified with Construction Line Gold membership. GeoShield are functional members of many industry steering committees and design standard reviews.

All GeoShield testing processes are in accordance with both the BR211 Radon – Guidance on protective measures for new buildings, Radon Protective Measures Quality Management Record and those advised in CIRIA 735 Good practice on the testing and verification of protection systems for buildings against hazardous ground gases; these include air lancing, tracer gas, smoke testing, dielectric, low voltage ELD testing and vacuum box testing.

GeoShield possess decades worth of experience in On-Site Quality Assurance Programming & Warranty System support, specific fields include:

  • Hazardous Ground Gas Protection System installations
  • Subterranean Waterproofing, Types A, B & C
  • Green & Blue Roof Waterproofing Electronic Integrity Testing
  • All Vapour Control Protection Membrane Installation
  • GeoShield work in alignment with all current UK Government advice & standards and receive UK Government support for global expansion via the Department of International Trade.

At GeoShield we are committed to the continuous up skilling of our workforce and increasing the levels of competency throughout all the areas of the construction world. We take great pride in being the only verification company that can assess NVQ 2 ground gas installation, NVQ 4 verification and the new CL:Aire GPVS. Our verifiers are NVQ 4, SGPV/TGPV NVQ 2 and CSSW qualified. The GeoShield Training Centre is open to all applicants.

Fundamentally, at GeoShield we realise that each construction project is unique and so approach every contract with a bespoke attitude tailor made for your specific requirements.

GeoShield BRG Banner

GeoShield Ground Gas Membrane Validation Program Exeter

Conforming with all relevant European Standards
BS 8485:2015+A1:2019 , CIRIA 735 (2014), International Radon Measurement Association & ISO EN 9001:2015

Since 2015 building & design standards Internationally have started to be restructured with the objective of removing all of the conceivable elements that pertain to the failure of solutions implemented to safeguard against harmful ground gas ingress into new developments.

The pioneer of these updates was in the UK with the up-dated version of the British Standard for Good Practice on the Testing and Verification of Protection Systems for Buildings against Hazardous Ground Gases. BS 8485:2015+A1:2019 , this replaced all former guidance. BS 8485:2015+A1:2019 working along with the CIRIA 735 code of practice ‘Independent Verification & Testing Programs’ has now been harmonised by many EU Countries.

BS 8485:2015+A1:2019 sets the codes of practice which regulate the installation of gas membrane systems that are designed to protect against the ingress of Carbon Dioxide, Methane and has annexes referring to Radon & VOC’s.

Depending on the different project criteria independent gas membrane inspection is now usually mandatory to ensure that every effort is made to reduce the risk to life.

For projects of CS2 & above (British Standards)/ Amber 2 (NHBC) an Independent Testing and Verification program is needed as a fundamental component of the project strategy.

The membrane verification company is usually required to be employed before construction.

GeoShield Limited are founder members of the British Verification Council and are ISO EN 9001 and ISO EN 14001 Accredited.

GeoShields Gas Membrane Validation, Verification & Testing programs are now underway across Europe including projects in the United Kingdom, Turkey, Romania, Croatia, Belgium, the Republic of Ireland and as far east as the Philippines.

The GeoShield Verification Package is in accordance with all insistences made by the British Verification Council including ₤ 2,000,000 PI Insurance which is specific to Verification.

GeoShield GSR+ Radon Gas Protection Validation, Verification and Monitoring

The GSR+ Quality Assurance Program is a comprehensive hand-over document created for house builders and developers to pass to future owners. GSR+ provides new buyers with a historical log of the protection system application, ensures peace of mind and assists in conveyancing.
ground gas protection verification di-electric test

Independent Ground Gas Protection Verification Services

In 2015 the British Standard for Good Practice on Gas Membrane Testing and Verification of Protection Systems for Buildings against Hazardous Ground Gases was updated, BS 8485:2015+A1:2019 supersedes all previous guidance.

BS 8485:2015+A1:2019 operating alongside the CIRIA 735 code of practice states Independent Membrane Verification and Testing Programs are as important as the design and installation process.

Waterproofing Testing And Inspection Services

Independent verification of the installation of waterproof membranes and lining systems on site is critical to achieving the performance required & avoid failure. Human errors in application can often prove devastating for both basements and roof decks. This is acknowledged by British Standards. Areas needing specific attention include Blue & Green Roofs where either a body of water or soil retaining water is a permanent feature which if compromised could have disabling consequences for the structure below and the mechanical operations employed within.
low voltage eld

For more information on our
Independent Integrity Testing Validation And Verification Services

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