Radon Barrier Systems
Integrity Testing As Requested In
Section 7 of BR211 2023
The UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) www.ukradon.org inform that Radon produces Radioactive elements that decay and emit radiation. Any exposure to this type of radiation is a risk to health – radiation is a form of energy and can cause damage in living tissues increasing the risk of cancer.
Building Research Establishment document BR211: Guidance on protective measures for new buildings (including supplementary advice for extensions, conversions, and refurbishment projects) as referred to in Building Regulations Document C, has recently been updated in 2023.
The 2023 edition of the BR211 guidance in section 3 “Protective Measures” and throughout the document recommends that the Radon Measures Quality Management Record in section 7 is thoroughly followed.
GeoShield provide the complete third-party inspection process as described in section 7 and assist in the allocation of contractual responsibility as requested in the Radon Protective Measures Quality Management Record (Refer to page 35 of BR211).
For clarity regarding the guidance contained within BR211 and the correct Allocation of Contractual Responsibility, GeoShield recommend that each client visits www.bre.co.uk to obtain the latest edition of BR211, also to refer to www.ukradon.org, www.hse.gov.uk and to visit and follow the Radon Council at www.radoncouncil.org. The Radon Council readily provides the latest updates regarding all matters Radon.
BRE 211 – Guidance on protective measures for new buildings (including supplementary advice for extensions, conversions and refurbishment projects) 2023
The principal changes over previous editions are:
- combined guidance for England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland
- clearer explanatory guidance on specifying and installing radon-protective measures
- updated guidance to reflect recent amendments to building regulations and building standards
- additional radon management checklist
- Improved references to inspection, on-site quality management and specifications

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