Construction Professionals
CPD Training Seminars

The changes made in BS 8485:2015+A1:2019 & the recommendations advised in CIRIA 735 were radical in their nature and came from the need to update previous standards to ensure safety & a better quality of life for the inhabitants of new constructions.
GeoShield are members of the CPD Service and are focused on improving the construction industries knowledge in the use of the many & varied ground gas protection systems available and the associated validation & verification programs now often mandatory.
The GeoShield team understand how important it is for Construction Professionals, Architects, Engineers & Building Owners to be made aware of the expectations & insistences of the Local Authorities and the Environment Agency with regards to the protection against ingress of hazardous ground gases into new structures.
Professionals need to be cognisant of the most recent British Standards, how these Standards and the CIRIA recommendations work in conjunction and how the catastrophic results may be for noncompliance.
GeoShield training courses vary between organisations however the most popular are:
- Company specific 30 minute seminars, tailored to your organisation and the time available
- 45 minute CPD accredited training seminars. Ideal lunch time training
The strategy for each course will include:
- Ground Gas – what is the concern?
- Radon / Methane / Carbon Dioxide / Hydro-Carbons
- Previously issued legislation
- The finer points of BS 8485:2015+A1:2019 & CIRIA 735
- Active legislation – the changes & the consequences
- The Verification process of Ground Gas Protection Measures
- An explanation of the new points scoring system for BS 8485:2015+A1:2019
- The Environment Agencies view
- Verification in operation