Updates Regarding Third Party Verification And Warranty Support Integrity Testing

The GeoShield Global – Verification Programs For Ground Gas Protection, Waterproofing & Roof Decks team where busy yesterday in the Salisbury Guildhall as we sponsored the latest event held for the Southern & South West regions of CABE, the Chartered Association of Building Engineers.
A full house listened intently and became enthusiastically involved as we discussed the updates regarding ‘third party verification’ and ‘warranty support integrity testing’ for:
* Radon Protection in new constructions, and who needs to be involved in completing the new chapter 7 of the updated BR211 Guidance on protective measures for new buildings.
* Dual System Membranes, waterproofing & radon, and why the Quality Management Record of BR211 may now be required to be completed in full prior to occupancy.
* Storm-water Management, (and why attenuation tank liners may fail, becoming effectively soakaways). Chapter 30 of the SuDS manual.
* Waterproofing layers to Green & Blue roofs, and can Electric Leak Detection take place in the rain?
Special thanks go to Michael Wadood & Rosemary Brewill of CABE for arranging the day.
If you are involved in the application & monitoring of New Buried Podium Decks, Green & Blue Roofs or any Existing Flat Roofs please ensure you have the next CABE event, this time in Ashford Kent, on the 13th of March placed firmly in your diaries, where Luke Cole who heads the Roof Testing Division of GeoShield Global – Verification Programs For Ground Gas Protection, Waterproofing & Roof Decks will be speaking about the variety of integrity testing methods available to provide the, often mandatory, warranty support for your insurance providers.